Business Lifecycle
We’re with you every step of the way
From start to finish, you can count on Johnson Consulting
Whether you recently purchased your business, or are looking to sell, Johnson Consulting can help you at any stage of your business lifecycle. We are a team of highly experienced and reliable professionals who can help you grow your business, maximize its value, and guide you in determining precisely the right time to sell.

We begin with an in depth analysis of your business buying goals to better understand what success looks like for you. We’ll then work with you to identify which business offers the best opportunity to meet those goals, and guide you through the entire buying process.

Our team of experienced specialists is focused on helping your business reach its full potential. From planning, to operations, to accounting, we can help you maximize performance and results in every facet of your business.

As a business owner, understanding the value of your business is essential to your growth and exit strategy. Our valuation system reveals exactly how much your business is worth at any given time based on its assets, the market environment, and industry trends.

When the time comes to sell, we’ll offer guidance and support every step of the way. We’ll identify the right buyer and oversee the process to make sure that all of your goals are met at the highest possible selling price.
Let’s start the conversation
With a clear understanding of where the profession has been, and a compelling vision of where it’s going, we help our clients reach new levels of success. Let’s talk about how we can do the same for you.