by Madison Wagner | Mar 19, 2021 | Blog, Business Management, Business Tips, Opportunity, Sell My Business, Succession Planning, Valuations
Right now, many stars are aligning to make this a great sellers’ market. But, that doesn’t mean it isn’t a great time to buy. In fact, the federal government is trying to ensure that there are buyers for all of those sellers. They have created two situations that make...
by Madison Wagner | Mar 16, 2021 | Blog, Business Management, Business Tips, Opportunity, Sell My Business, Succession Planning, Valuations
Markets are not always easy to read. Very often multiple factors make for a maelstrom of competing voices with differing advice. The Johnson Consulting Group’s Funeral and Cemetery Business Broker Team has identified some important factors at play right now to help...
by Madison Wagner | Feb 10, 2021 | Blog, Business Management, Business Tips, Customer Experience, Opportunity, Sell My Business
This year’s summit is virtually impossible to miss For four days in March (March 1-4, 2021), we will come together as we do these days, in a safe and socially distant atmosphere that makes the most of technology to connect, commune and thrive. With breakout sessions,...
by Madison Wagner | Nov 25, 2020 | Blog, Business Management, Business Tips, Sell My Business
Are you thinking about buying a funeral home? It’s a big decision, full of excitement and new adventures but there can also be complications and unforeseen obstacles. It’s also tricky to determine if the timing is right to enter the funeral market. Some buyers forge...
by Claire Davis | May 27, 2020 | Blog, Customer Experience, Surveys
Funeral homes are increasingly finding themselves on the frontlines of the Coronavirus crisis. In order to maintain a high level of service, many firms are creating new funeral and memorial options such as live-streamed services for families affected by social...