Driving team member engagement is the best way to get the most out of your funeral survey program and acts as powerful engine to drive performance.


Encouraging adoption by rewarding wins with some of the ideas below can get you moving in the right direction.

Employee engagement cycle

Incentive Compensation Plans

An incentive compensation plan (ICP) is a form of variable compensation for your team members. A common practice is to tie the program to targeted sales, customers’ experiences, and the overall success of the organization. Incentive compensation plans can be customized to whatever metrics are important to the organization. They provide an extra dose of motivation for exceptional workplace performance and increase the chances of maintaining quality talent. Good ICPs must be understandable, fair, easily measurable, and consistent.


Without a doubt, Performance Tracker X has proved to be an important tool in easily managing ICPs. With Performance Tracker X, your team members can monitor their performance and ICP metrics in real time. This focuses their attention on the metrics that matter to you most while driving their personal growth and the growth of your organization. Increased focus increases survey communication with families which improves response rate and generates more actionable data.


Customer Experience Metrics Sales Metrics Compared to Budget
–        Response rate

–        Collection rate

–        Arranger Performance Score

–        How quickly alerts are resolved

–        Call volume

–        Average sale targets

–        Case mix percentage



Employee Recognition

The care, compassion, and attention your arranging directors pay to the families they serve is of the utmost importance to them and can weigh heavily. Taking the time to appreciate and recognize successes has been shown to increase productivity, comradery, culture, and loyalty to the company, leading to higher retention.


There are many creative ways to accomplish this which take little time or cost.

  • Create an internal awards program for those who had the most perfect surveys responses received, highest response rate, and/or most digital collection.
  • A monthly “spin-to-win” game with gift cards or other give aways. Add your team members name to the wheel each time a perfect score survey is received.
  • Forward a congratulatory email each time a perfect score survey is received to the whole team. This allows everyone to feel each other’s success while publicly acknowledging the arranging director.
  • Highlight an arranging director each month on your social media including some of the positive feedback left in the surveys.
  • Read the positive feedback outload during team meetings.


Giving a little can get you a lot!


Providing clarity and setting expectations

It is important that your team members understand organizational goals and the part they play in achieving those goals. Team members who cannot see beyond their role often feel a reduced sense of satisfaction and fulfillment which can lead to turnover, poor relations between coworkers, and an undesirable work environment. Help your team members to understand the importance of the survey program and how it plays into your larger vision by communicating often and across multiple channels and altitudes.


People retain information differently. Some may rely heavily on verbal communication whereas others may need written information, visual aids, or even examples of the concepts in action. Repetition of the information helps to engrain the importance and communicates that the direction you are providing is here to stay. Ensure adoption at all levels of your organization by breaking down high-level concepts and explaining how they relate to your team members’ day jobs. When you pair the newfound clarity with a framework which spells out the goals or criteria which support the mission, your team members become a part of the bigger picture rather than someone who is simply affected by it.


Would you like to schedule a time to discuss how to heighten engagement within your organization? Interested in an ICP in your organization? We are always here for you!

Contact us today!